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Published: July 12, 2024
Placement location:
Length of programme
A short-term work placement: 2-3 weeks
Currently an unpaid placement.*
Job Specification (including project details/duties/responsibilities)
You'll work on a range of publications, including poetry and prose, interviews, and general written content
You will be required to correct spelling mistakes and grammatical errors (proofreading), offer suggestions on rewording or rewriting, and ensure consistency in hyphenation, capitalisation, formatting of references, etc (copyediting)
Follow an editorial calendar to ensure timely delivery
Communicate and cooperate with the Editor-in-Chief
Commit to have weekly meetings via Zoom with the Editor-in-Chief to discuss progress on the project as well as any questions or difficulties you may encounter
Commit to inform your Placement Supervisor if you cannot attend or participate in any aspect of the project in the case of an emergency, illness, or other appropriate reason
Strict adherence to the magazine’s Style Guide.
What's in it for you
A great opportunity for a anyone who is looking to add work and experience as a proof-reader/copyeditor for a literary magazine to their CV
Get your name listed under ‘Trainee Assistant Editors’ on our website
Work from the comfort of your own home and under hours that suit you best
An Internship Certificate along with a recommendation letter upon successful completion of the project
Advice and feedback on your work.
Ideal Candidate Skills/Specific Knowledge
Impeccable grasp of the English language
Sound knowledge of spelling, grammar and punctuation
A sharp eye for detail
Able to work to a deadline
Interest in creative writing, literature, philosophy or publishing
Ability to work independently as well as a part of a team
Exceptional organisational and time-management skills
Have interest in creative writing/ publishing/ arts and illustrations
An excellent ability to work to deadlines.
Assessment methods
You will be assessed based on your performance throughout the placement. Upon completion, you will receive a detailed written feedback, as well as suggestions for further development and any relevant comments. You will also receive an Evaluation form for your own reference or to share with an employer.
It's a good idea to write about your learning in a personal/professional development portfolio (PDP). This will help you if you need to call upon your experience later to answer interview questions.
This is a voluntary placement that concentrates on professional development and the building of a portfolio. The role is available to third-year undergraduate students and MA students in English, Media, and Creative Writing.
How to apply
Send your CV and Letter of Interest to Your LoF should explain why you are interested in the role. Sharing examples of any previous written work related to the role, or written work that demonstrates transferable skills, is also highly advisable.
Still not sure?
For any questions you may have, please do not hesitate to get in touch. You can write us directly to our email above, or by using the contact form.
*This is a placement that concentrates on professional development and the building of a portfolio. Please be informed that as a small, start-up business, currently we can offer experience and (if eligible) in-kind payment only.

Jessica, Cover Artist
I’m more confident to pursue similar roles now after having experienced and completed this placement. Before this, I knew very little about working for a client so that experience has been invaluable and I’m confident to tackle it again in the future.

Beth, Article Writer
This placement gave me an opportunity to try new styles of writing and a taster in aspects of creative writing and finding my own voice.
Having my own work published on a writers' magazine website felt exciting and like an amazing achievement.

Prasad, Cover Artist
Working on a cover is an interesting challenge; you have to take into account a title, any writing and the context it will be viewed in.
The experience of working on this project has been gratifying. It’s wonderful to work with creatives from different fields.

Helen, Blogger
I definitely feel more confident to pursue a similar role in the future. I learned about the
expectations and responsibilities that I had as an employed writer and was able to learn from my
mistakes to improve.
I enjoyed the elements of collaboration and
team effort.